20060201 Ernakulam, Cochin



20060201 Ernakulam,Cochin

Most of the buses stop at Ernakulam, connecting with local bus or ferry to Fort Cochin across the Lashwadeep Sea. The ferry ticket was incredibly cheap Rs 2.50 one way. Ernakulam is just a commercial city, all the main attractions are in Fort Cochin. Not really fascinating but touristy. The Jew Town has many curio shops, probably the Israelis are the biggest customers to them. Many fishermen were operating the so-called Chinese Fishing Net, fresh seafood is displayed for customers, and the nearby kitchen shacks are ready to cook for you for minimal charge immediately. All fishermen talked about reduction of sea produce after Tsunami on Christmas Eve 2004. Some fishermen did invite tourists to their platform and asked for “help” at the end.


Sweets sDSC046871.jpg A fishing village view Lottery, a millionaire dream for the poor Pardesi Synagogue sDSC047101.jpg Fresh catch Chinese fishing net, needs a few people to operate this system. Tourists are often invited to the platform and assist / experience. Building new platform for Chinese fishing net The kitchen shack cooks the seafood we brought to them sDSC047521.jpg sDSC047531.jpg

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